Young as you are
I learned that there is more to tape. A.D.
I learned that in poetry you can never be satisfied with a first draft. You have to put as much time and effort into it as possible. I’ll remember that every time I write a poem. J.P.
Poems don’t have to rhyme-it just has to come from your heart. T.M.
My favorite thing about the residency was the idea of expressing one’s self through poetry and hearing the different voices in each poem. You can make anything out of something. A.R.
I couldn’t cut the tape at first but then when I learned the skill, I couldn’t stop cutting tape. M.Y.
I learned that art/reading is not what others think but what you feel. P.L.
I really enjoyed doing things I had never done before. I learned a part of myself that is poetry because I realized I’m a good writer. I remember when I mixed my poem with the other student, we put it together and we shared our thoughts to make one beautiful poem. I’ll use this residency outside of the school. I’ll buy tapes of many colors and I’ll decorate my t-shirts. I learned how to be creative doing just simple things. O.Z.