Poetry lets you express yourself through the words. It can be rapping or telling a short story.
Writing a poem can help us to express the feelings that we feel in our hearts.
Poetry can be written in many different ways. Not all poems have to rhyme.
Poetry tells a story in a different way.
Poetry is good to express your feelings to someone you love, hate and all what you can feel for someone.
Poetry is good to write about what you see, on the street and the world, to express what you see.
You are like a whole new person when you write poems because new things come in your mind.
Poetry gives us freedom of mind. Poetry is a stress reliever and makes you calm.
Poetry is important because you express yourself and let your imagination run wild through writing. If you are happy or angry about something you can let it all out in a poem.
Poetry makes you talk about life and what’s going on around you. You can make a poem out of anything whether it’s your life, the weather or the months.
Writing is important for so many simple reasons. It’s how we express ourselves.
Writing is an art and through it channels many interpretations and visions for others to see and hear.
We communicate through writing such as simple short stories or a text message to a friend.
Writing is a lifestyle, a way of life.
Writing is everywhere in the world. It can help people understand each other.
Writing is the most important subject people can learn. The more you write, the better you can be. It has helped me in the past to deal with certain situations.
In this world we live in, you must know how to write.
Without words we would be silent.
Writing is important because it helps us to learn, remember and invent. Writing teaches us to read and helps us to learn because it is visual. We remember things better when they are written.
In this world we live in, you must know how to write.
Without words we would be silent.