Super.Hero is our first choral poem with contributions from all of the students in Literacy Arts. We thought about important people in our lives and then imagined we were superheroes who could do anything we wanted take care of our loved ones.
Give my strength
Go back in time
People would have less stress on their mind
Children would have money for college tuition
Parents wouldn’t have to worry
I’d go to Mexico, cross the bridge and bring my two brothers with me
Help my mother learn English
Get Dad a better job and more money
Give my strength
Go back in time
I’d bring my sisters and stepbrothers to the U.S.
Help my dad get his job back
Get my sister her own business
I’d get my mom off drugs
Go back in time to say good-bye to my grandpa
Grandma would have her own farm with all of the animals she wants
I’d give my little brother the strength he needs to pursue his music career
Make his small business a big business
Give my strength
Go back in time
Grandpa would still be here on earth
Making all of my family
All the people I love have smiles on their faces
See my father full of life
Help my mother work so she can go home and rest
She works hard
I would make her young again
People wouldn’t have to die too soon
Mom didn’t have to suffer in her childhood
Dad would never go back to jail
Curtis would see his dad all the time
Give my strength
Go back in time
Help my family
Make them laugh
Buy my mom the house of her dreams
Make my brother a pro soccer player
Help my Auntie Dee with her legs because they bleed a lot
Destroy autism for my brother
I’d help my cousin find confidence in herself, get out of the hospital, and stop thinking that the only way things will get better is if she dies
Give my strength
Go back in time
Give F students straight A’s
My sister would be smart and write fast and speak better
I would change a friend’s mind about dropping out of high school
Young people would get out of the gang life
Block Marcus from the bullet
Tonya would have a boyfriend that really loves her and her baby
Girls would never get raped
Give my strength
Go back in time
We are only human but
Our poems will never fade away.